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Young Composers Ambassador's Club Reaches out to Commuity

EVYMS in the community! As members of the Young Composers Ambassador's Club, certain EVYMS students were invited to share their original compositions for their schools. This invitation included a free workshop for the students' classmates. Ms. Heidi Grimes headed to the Kinderbugs Preschool where our youngest member, Saadhvi Sri Jayaram showcased her composition entitled, "Tinkerbell's Adventures." Thanks, Kinderbugs! Looked like a fun and music-filled time was had by all.

Congratulations to the charter members of the Young Composers Ambassador's Club:

5 Star Membership

Ty Promreuk

Kylie Smith

Hannah Tsay

3 Star Membership

Asher Boutet

Loren Dipnarain

Jonathan Dwiyono

Saadhvi Jayaram

Ritwik Jayaraman

James Nergard

Taryn Preis

Daphne Riordan

Matthew Schoenthal

Ryan Schoenthal

Nina Yu

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