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2017 Clavinova Music Festival

We are excited for our 14th Annual Clavinova Music Festival coming up next month! Over 400 of our excellent students will be performing their Christmas solos at different locations across Chandler, Gilbert, and Tempe. Special thank you to the Chandler Lyons Club, Sozo Coffeehouse, Joe's Real BBQ, and Changing Hands Bookstore for inviting us back this year to perform at our favorite venues. You can join us for concerts starting December 2, at the following locations and times:

Saturday, December 2

Sozo Coffeehouse

1982 N Alma School Rd

Chandler, AZ 85283

Concerts starting at 2:30pm

Monday, December 4

Changing Hands Bookstore

6428 S McClintock Dr

Tempe, AZ 85283

Concerts starting at 5:30pm

Saturday, December 9

Downtown Chandler

Concerts starting at 12:00pm

Sunday, December 10

Joe's Real BBQ

301 N Gilbert Rd

Gilbert, AZ 85234

Starting at 4:00pm

Saturday, December 16

Downtown Chandler

Starting at 12:00pm

All our concerts are open to the public. Bring your friends and family to see our students shine! If you are an EVYMS family participating in the Clavinova Festival, you can find your class performance time here.

For more details on upcoming events at East Valley Yamaha Music School, visit our calendar.

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Available over Phone: 

Mon-Thursday             9:00am - 7:00pm

Friday-Saturday          9:00am - 5:00pm​

Closed Sunday


Available in Person:

Saturday                        9:00am - 5:00pm


Class times may vary from Office Hours. 


The Office takes a break for lunch every day, if we miss you we will call you back!


Office is closed during Breaks/Holidays.



13832 N 32nd Street Ste 150

Phoenix AZ 85032


NorthWest Corner of Thunderbird & 32nd


Phone: (480) 926-4441


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