Yamaha Live Music Sessions at Solterra Retirement Community
Students from East Valley Yamaha Music School gather twice a month at local retirement community, Soterra Senior Living. Each visit students will play their own compositions, requests from residents, and seasonal songs for Christmas.
These local concerts provide valuable exposure for students. Not only does it give them the opportunity to perform for a live audience, it also connects them to the community and other generations. Students interact with residents who are able to give song requests and residents enjoy monthly concerts prepared just for them.
Check out some pictures of our visits to Solterra so far:

Two students ready to perform for residents at Solterra (students: Karson Smith, Satomi Small).

Group photo of performers and audience enjoying the show (students: Matthew Schoenthal, Ritwik Jayaram, Ryan Schoenthal, Kylie Smith, Loren Dipnarain, Clarice Nguyen, Karson Smith, Brandon Chen, Saadhvi Jayaram, Satomi Small, Christopher Kentjana).

More student performers posing with a grateful audience (students: Tony Liu, Lily Nguyen, Loriann Qing, Daria Nikolovski, Sumedh Sangam, Varin Hoskoti, James Nergard, JT Salter).

Two very happy music listeners, enjoying our students' performances.

Students and audience members posing after performance (students: David Mueller, Ryan Schoenthal, Clarice Nguyen, Kylie Smith, Daniel Zhang, James Nergard, Matthew Schoenthal, Demian Nikolovski, Sumedh Sangam, Daria Nikolovski).

Group photo at Solterra Retirement Community (students: Iris Li, Laura Hazelet, Prisha Pulastya, Tea Promreuk, Gwyneth Sovereign, Brook and Goah Dejen, Doer He, Ethan Tsay, Hannah Tsay, Ty Promreuk).
Check with your teachers to find out how you can participate in a future trip to perform at Solterra!
East Valley Yamaha Music School is committed to contributing to our community. If you are interested in our students performing for you, send us a note!